Project Description
The Light Box project was assigned to show our creative interpretations of light and shadow manipulation. We were asked to create a theme and collect three images within that theme to base our captures of light and shadow within our boxes. We built our boxes from scratch with unconventional materials to replicate the emotions felt through our inspiration photos. After the construction was completed, we were asked to photograph each box at 8 am, 12 pm, and 5 pm through a peep hole in the side.
The concept that I came up with was Small Town Nostalgia. I pulled memories from my childhood to try and create a strong sense of emotion in each scene and its correlating description.
Interior Design Technology 3
Light Exploration
Physical Model
Final Deliverables
Scene One - Golden Hour
Warm, Soft, Secure
As the evening approaches, you walk through your childhood home, watching the sunlight pour through the windows. Rectangular patches of light cast shadows along the floors and walls. A familiar muffled chatter is heard from the room over. You follow the path of golden light that leads you to the warmth and security of home.
Materials Used: black foam core board, textured white foam sheets, thick wire, white draping fabric, yellow cellophane, Bristol paper

8 am

12 pm

5 pm
Scene Two - Clear Night
Twinkling, Serene, Magical
The only sound is the melodic chirping of crickets and cracking sticks in the distance. Lying on a blanket, you can feel the dewy grass prickling through to your back. A clearing between the tree branches reveals a star-filled sky. Tiny yellow flickers invade your line of sight as the fireflies begin to glow and flutter.
Materials Used: black foam core board, dried moss, yellow cellophane, sticks

8 am

12 pm

5 pm
Scene Three - Midnight Drive
Cool, Hazy, Still
As you pull into your hometown, you head towards the main street intersection. Slowing to a stop, you watch as the traffic lights change from green to yellow to red, you being the only sign of life in sight. The only sound is the soft buzzing of the neon gas station signs, casting a red glow across the hood of your car. The flickering street lights create a deep yellow path, guiding you to the darkness ahead.
Materials Used: black foam core board, black glittery foam sheets, green
cellophane, red cellophane, yellow cellophane, mesh
chicken wire, thick wire
cellophane, red cellophane, yellow cellophane, mesh
chicken wire, thick wire

8 am

12 pm